Can I walk on a metal roof?
Yes you can; however, like walking on any roof, you should be careful.
Is a metal roof noisy when it rains?
No, metal roofs are not noisy when it rains. According to one study, the noise levels of a metal roof are about the same as other roofing products such as asphalt or wood shingles or clay tiles.
Is a metal roof damaged by hail?
Metal roofs are very tough and highly resistant to hail damage ... much more so than asphalt/fiberglass shingles. In fact, many metal roofing products have the highest impact resistance and hail rating granted by the insurance commissions in the hail belt regions of the U.S. Some insurance companies even provide a reduced rate for metal roofs.
How about resistance to wind damage?
All metal roofing products are very wind resistant. Many styles have been tested to withstand hurricane force winds; and wind warranties can be as high as 155mph.
Is a metal roof fire safe?
A metal roof is the most fire safe roof. It is classified as a noncombustible roofing material with a Class "A" rating - the highest rating given.
How does the weight of a metal roof compare to other types of roofing?
Much to many people's surprise, metal roofs are significantly lighter than other types of roofs. Typically they weigh less than one-third the weight of asphalt/fiberglass shingles; and are as much as 75% lighter than clay, concrete or slate. A metal roof can be installed over shingles.
Will a metal roof rust?
Galvalume coated steel roofing panels are protected by layers of metallic and polymer coatings. Industry studies have repeatedly shown them to outperform the corrosion resistance of other coated metals. They are available with warranties as long as 40 years not to crack, chip, peel or fade.
Does the color fade?
Metal roofs are painted with high-performance polymers that have exceptional weathering properties. Over time you might notice a slight change in color due to the settling of airborne contamination, but occasional rain or washing the roof with a garden hose (from the ground) will keep the roof looking like new. There is also a 25 year warranty on corrosion.
What about lightning?
Metal roofing is no more susceptible to lightning than any other roofing material. Lightning most frequently strikes the highest point in any terrain; and if your roof is at the highest point of the surrounding terrain, you can install lightning rods. A metal roof is the most fire safe roof. It is classified as a noncombustible roofing material with a Class "A" rating - the highest rating given.
If I'm reroofing, do I have to remove the old roof before installing the metal roof?
Usually not if you're installing the metal roof over existing asphalt shingles (maximum of one layer thick). In most situations, the metal roof can be installed directly over the old roof, adding an extra layer of insulation.
What is galvalume?
Galvalume is 55% AI-Zn (aluminum - zinc) coated sheet steel that is ideally suited for most types of roofing applications. An estimated 40 billion square feet of galvalume now covers buildings in all kinds of climates and environments throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico, as well as Europe, Asia and Australia. Galvalume is an ideal material for roofing because of its extraordinary outdoor corrosion resistance and resulting long life. It is extremely popular due to its versatility, ease of use, aesthetics and long-term performance.